Electric energy. Can a male beat a female? The price will tell. Buy MALE tokens if you prefer males, or just buy both tokens to hedge yourself!

Magnetic energy. Can a female beat a male? The price will tell. Buy FEMALE tokens if you prefer females, or just buy both tokens to hedge yourself!

How to buy on PC

  • 1. Install TronLink wallet to your browser (extension)

    Go to and click on "Install now", then click on "Extension". After that, go to extensions in your browser and click on "TronLink" and create a new wallet.

  • 2. Get some Tron (TRX)

    Buy TRX on your favorite exchange and send it to your new TronLink wallet.

  • 3. Buy MEME tokens

    Click on the "Buy MALE" or "Buy FEMALE" button above and on the sunpump platform, click on "Connect Wallet". Then choose the amount of tokens you want to buy and click on "Trade".

How to buy on mobile

  • 1. Install TronLink wallet (Android, iOS)

    Go to and click on "Install now" or download the app from the store. After that, launch the TronLink app and create a new wallet.

  • 2. Get some Tron (TRX)

    Buy TRX on your favorite exchange and send it to your new TronLink wallet.

  • 3. Buy MEME tokens

    Click on the "Buy MALE" or "Buy FEMALE" button above and on the sunpump platform, click on "Connect Wallet". It should redirect you back to the TronLink app with built-in browser. Then choose the amount of tokens you want to buy and click on "Trade".


Contract address (CA): TBvh5cgm8ELKxxhLvsEFYRf9PG9w3zE6q5

Contract address (CA): TMw64z3izDDZCHqVRYqtZxh7S5Nfy6V8T7

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